Ultimate™ Exclusion Search Services

Would you prefer to fully outsource the exclusion monitoring process? With the Ultimate™ service line, we manage the process from start to finish:

We perform weekly scans of your data against your selected databases, identifying and resolving possible matches every week.
We investigate each new match and provide notification as soon as possible of any confirmed matches.
We send monthly reports to document your exclusion monitoring diligence.

What does this mean for you?

You don’t have to worry about how to resolve name match hits. Our verification procedures and staff are directly overseen by an attorney to ensure you’re in accord with the ever-changing requirements at each Agency.
You can update your List(s) whenever it is convenient. If you forget on a particular date or time of the month, it’s no big deal. Because we perform weekly auto-scans for Ultimate™ clients, the List will be scanned within a few business days at most.
You don’t have to worry about running reports – all of the documentation you need is delivered automatically. That said, at Verify Comply™, we believe in transparency, and our Ultimate™ clients always have access to our broad range of Reporting features and can run any report at any point in time.
Our Ultimate™ clients also have unlimited access to our single searches where they can perform pre-hire or vendor screening, if desired.

The cost of Full-Service exclusion match validation varies by the number of scan values (volume discounts apply) and the excluding agencies that need to be monitored. If you can tell us how many values you intend to scan, the type (individuals or entities), and the agencies you’d like us monitor, we’ll gladly provide a quote.